About this Recording

Maikki Järnefelt-Palmgren and Selim Palmgren crossing the Atlantic in 1921 by Arthur Coi
© Finnish Heritage Agency
Maikki Järnefelt-Palmgren and Selim Palmgren crossing the Atlantic in 1921 by Arthur Coit

About this Recording

Selim Palmgren (1878–1951) studied with Busoni and developed a formidable technique, later becoming one of the leading Nordic composer-pianists of his generation. This fourth volume of Palmgren’s complete piano works reveals yet more remarkable contributions to 20th-century piano literature including one of his masterpieces, the Nocturne in Three Scenes, a compound of Impressionist and Romantic elements. His fruitful years in America are reflected by the jazz-influenced Three Fantasies and throughout one can hear examples of the beautiful folk-based music that is so much a feature of his compositions.